A get/change first operation on table ‘RSTB_WindowFieldTriggers’ failed accessing SQL data


You receive the following error when you upgrade Dynamics GP Toolbox to 18.3.1.

A get/change first operation on table 'RSTB_WindowFieldTriggers' failed accessing SQL data.
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'DYNAMICS.dbo.zDP_RSTB005F_2'.
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'RSTB_Tool_Code'.
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'RSTB_PopUp_ID'.
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'RSTB_Datatype'.
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'RSTB_Trigger_Description'.


Recreate the RSTB005 table with data.  The steps to do this are:

  1. Make a complete restorable backup and have all users exit the system.
  2. Run the following statement against the Dynamics database in SQL Server Management Studio:
    select * into RSTB005BAK from RSTB005
  3. Run the following statements to verify the RSTB005BAK is populated correctly:
    select * from RSTB005
    select * from RSTB005BAK
  4. If the two tables have the same number of rows, log into Dynamics GP and recreate the RSTB005 table.
    1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Maintenance | SQL.
    2. Select DYNAMICS for the Database.
    3. Select Dynamics GP Toolbox for the Product.
    4. Highlight RSTB Window Field Triggers.
    5. Mark all 6 checkboxes on the right.
    6. Click Process.
  5. Back in SQL Server Management Studio, run the following statement against the Dynamics database:
    insert into RSTB005 (USERID,CMPANYID,RSTB_Trigger_Tag,RSTB_Tool_Code,PRODID,FORMNAME,RESID,WINNAME,WINDSPNM,RSTB_Window_Resid,FIELDNAM,RSTB_Field_Resid,RSTB_PopUp_ID,RSTB_Datatype,RSTB_Trigger_Description)
    from RSTB005BAK
  6. Run the following statements to verify the RSTB005 is populated correctly:
    select * from RSTB005
    select * from RSTB005BAK
  7. If the two tables have the same number of rows, run the following statement to drop the temporary table:
    Drop Table RSTB005BAK
  8. Re-run the Dynamics GP Toolbox upgrade following the steps in our Knowledgebase article:

    *Installing/Upgrading a Rockton Software product: First install or installing the latest build/newest version.

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