How to Recalculate RPM Prices in Dynamics GP


Describes the recalculate feature in Rockton Pricing Management (RPM) and how to use it.


There may be times where you want to recalculate your pricing for your sales transactions. Some examples for needing a recalculation are:

  • You changed the price manually on the transaction.
  • Your Price Schedule has changed and you want to use the current price.
  • The transaction line was entered in the past and you want to make sure the current price is reflected.


There are three ways to recalculate your prices.


To recalculate one line on a document, follow these steps.

  1. In Dynamics GP, go to Transactions | Sales | Sales Transaction and open the Sales Transaction containing the line to recalculate.
  2. Highlight the line.
  3. Click Additional | RPM – Recalculate Line.
  4. When prompted with recalculate message, click Yes.

To recalculate a transaction, follow these steps.

  1. In Dynamics GP, go to Transactions | Sales | Sales Transaction and open the Sales Transaction containing the line to recalculate.
  2. Click Additional | RPM – Recalculate Trx.
  3. When prompted with recalculate message, click Yes.

To recalculate a batch of transaction, follow these steps.

  1. In Dynamics GP, go to Transactions | Sales | Sales Batches.
  2. Select the Batch ID of the batch you wish to recalculate.
  3. Click Additional | RPM – Recalculate Batches.
  4. When prompted with recalculate message, click Yes.