Cannot retrieve Windows Domain information at this time.

This article replaces TK00139.


When attempting to open the PC System Setup window, you receive the following error.

Cannot retrieve Windows Domain information at this time. You
will not be able to assign a Windows User until the Windows
Domain information can be retrieved.


This error has been documented as a software bug on Project Cost versions 14.2, v6.2, and 16.3.


Resolution 1:

Upgrade your version of Project Cost.

  1. Go to the Product Downloads page.
  2. Under Product, select Olympic Project Cost.
  3. Under All Version, select the GP Version you use.
  4. Click Download Selected. The file is typically saved in your download folder.  You can save the file to the location that works best for you.
  5. Have all users log out of Microsoft Dynamics GP and make a complete restorable backup.
  6. Open the folder that you downloaded in step 4.
  7. Follow the steps in the ‘PC Upgrade Guide’ file.

Resolution 2: 

Create a new security Active Directory group called ‘Project Cost’ to add the appropriate users.

For more information on creating a new Active Directory group, click here.

Note: Work with your IT Department for assistance.