Did you know Dynamic Budgets and Project Cost work together?
Dynamic Budgets provides refreshable links to pull in Project Cost data feeds for project actuals, budgets, committed, and uncommitted values. This allows the finance team the ability to take those feeds and then time shift, discount, or increase such projections as Corporate feels necessary.
Why should I attend?
- When you require project budgeting and want it simple and easy
- When tracking project level expenses in GP and using out-of-the-box GP budgets isn’t enough (or doesn’t cut it)
- Project cost offers a dedicated module for you to assign project budgets, track actual revenues, and expenses
Who should attend?
- The C Suite level executives (CEO, COO, Controller, etc.)
- Project Managers
- All members of the Finance Team
- Dynamic Budgets and Project Cost Customers
What will I learn?
- How easy it is to use these 2 products together to give your team a greater level of control and detail on your budgets and cash flow
- How you can use Dynamic Budgets to integrate Project Cost data feeds into your Corporate financial budgets and forecasts
- A way to build refreshable links to pull project data into a corporate GL budget or forecast
When is all this happening?
Tuesday, September 22nd, 1:00-1:30 CST.
Can’t make it, no worries, we can email you the recording if you register.