Rockton Spotlight: Alicia

May 31, 2022

Any business will tell you that the most important asset it has is its people. That’s what makes Rockton Rock! We work hard, we play hard and most of all we love what we do and we do it exceptionally well. We invite you to take a couple of minutes to get to know our awesome team as they give insights on a wide variety of topics.

Rockton Spotlight: Alicia

Hello Folks!

It is I – the voice of Rockton’s webinars and demos. I’ve been manning the booth and flying the friendly skies for Rockton Software for 10 YEARS in November.

10 Years – holy cow!. I used to change jobs ALL. THE. TIME. I guess Rockton just felt like home, so I stayed.

The people here are like family and they totally get me.

The customers and partners in the channel, are my people. I don’t see myself working anywhere else unless it’s for Rockton, from a beach.


So here’s a little bit about me.


The Q&A

What 1-3 things got/getting you through covid?

  • Wine – I developed a deep love of prosecco
  • Streaming Services – cuz we all did
  • My Group – we picked our humans who we couldn’t live without and we’d take turns making Monday Munch or Sunday Socials to keep ourselves sane. Our kids are all the same age and have grown up together, so to not see them was like missing a sibling.

What TV show you are binging?

  • I watch murder shows. To fall asleep. Totally creeps my husband out.

What is your must-have food?

  • If I have cheese, I can survive anything.

Favorite pastime?

  • Sitting on the pontoon at night listening to music with friends and family.

Random share

  • I keep a notebook on my phone full of funny quotes from trips, golf nights and just the day in general. Anytime I need a laugh, I can read through them and I know right where I was at when something brightened up my day.
  • I am physically unable to chew sunflower seeds. I look like I’m choking and as a baseball parent, it’s both embarrassing and ridiculous since the majority of the season is spent passing around a bag of them. Pretty much everyone knows just to hand it around me now.

2 truths and 1 lie

  • I know how to milk a goat
  • I know how to operate a bulldozer
  • I have a thing for craft beers

Covid music playlist

  • I started listening to off-the-wall country rap and I LOVE IT. Reminds me of gravel roads and fields full of pickups.

First job?

  • I was a lifeguard and a swimming instructor at a local college.

Best adulting advice

  • Don’t take anything too seriously. Almost any situation can be addressed with some humor and that makes everything more palatable. Also, life isn’t all about work and the next big thing. Spend it while you have it, take the trip, make the memories. You never know who you’ll make an impact on when you do.

Something you like about working remotely?

  • I absolutely LOVE working from home. So much so that I haven’t fully worked in an office in more than 15 years. I like the option to check on a crockpot while I kick off a webinar. I love that my “daughter” Waffles, can sleep next to me and I can give her pets whenever I want. I love that my husband hand delivers a tea to my desk every single morning before he goes to work and that I always get to tell my boys I love them on their way out the front door.



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