Rockton Software Goes Green, Wins Award!

Nov 8, 2016

In a small ceremony held last month, Rockton Software’s Lafayette, CO headquarters was recognized as a 2016 Lafayette Green Business Program Silver Award recipient.

As a Lafayette Green Business we:

  • Are dedicated to the community in which we live
  • Care about our employees and community members
  • Pursue more sustainable practices to support the health, environment, and economy of our local community.

While it may seem trivial for a virtual company to be invested in the environmental impact of our business, every little bit counts! The folks at Boulder County’s Partners for a Clean Environment (PACE) made it easy to participate, conducting a full office audit and educating our staff on how we can implement minor adjustments that will have a large impact on our water and energy consumption.


To see a full list of the 50+ businesses that participated in the 2016 Green Business Program, you can visit their site:


The City of Lafayette works in partnership with the Lafayette Energy Sustainable Advisory Committee (LESAC), the Lafayette Waste Reduction Advisory Committee (WRAC), Xcel Energy and Boulder County’s Partners for a Clean Environment (PACE) to offer this  recognition opportunity to local businesses.  


The Green Business Recognition program was funded in part by the Sustainability Matching Grant program, established by Boulder County in 2014 to support sustainability priorities within communities in the county.

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