Any business will tell you that the most important asset it has is its people. That’s what makes Rockton Rock! We work hard, we play hard and most of all we love what we do and we do it exceptionally well. We invite you to take a couple of minutes to get to know our awesome team as they give insights on a wide variety of topics.
Rockton Spotlight: Angie
Rockton Life
I will be celebrating 3 years as Marketing Manager with Rockton this summer. I feel tremendously fortunate to have found this amazing group of people to work with. I consider myself lucky to have always worked for small, tightly knit companies that place the highest priority on having a good culture. Joining this team felt like coming home.
Life Advice
Keep a loose grip and a good sense of humor.
What helped you survive COVID quarantine?
My family certainly knocked a few of the quarantine cliché’s off the list, but I still have yet to make bread from scratch or learn to brew beer in my bathtub 😊
- Nintendo. Specifically Animal Crossing. My daughter was in first grade when we went into lockdown and Animal Crossing was the source of endless hours of fun for us. Not only was it creative bonding for us, but it also helped us stay connected with family across the country.
- A pandemic puppy. We already have a bit of a zoo with a dog, cat, and two birds, but we couldn’t resist bringing a new family member home when we knew she would get the most attention possible.
- A home upgrade. Nothing like record-low mortgage rates, an unhealthy fixation with Zillow, and being trapped in your house 24/7 to convince you the best time to buy a new home is under quarantine. Added bonus: we were able to spend time with someone outside our bubble, our real estate agent.
How do you break up your work-from-home routine?
I love working from home. For most of my career, I have worked from home to some degree, so this wasn’t much of an adjustment for me. It can be a bit much at times to balance being constantly surrounded by work and family life. A few things that have helped me:
Walks. That pandemic puppy sure has come in useful here. I start my morning every day with a walk around the neighborhood and every afternoon with a long walk on the nature trails.
- Loving my workspace. I have tried to make my office/studio space a place I love to be. It is filled with plants, books, art, and all of my creative endeavors. We are still getting settled into our new home so making this space my own has been a fun ongoing project.