Using Auditor’s Archive/Purge Feature

You have noticed that your DYNAMICS database has grown quite large since logging a large number of audits with Auditor. The steps here will explain how to archive and purge your data.

We recommend you first archive, then purge your audit log.

Note: The steps below explain steps on saving the data to an xml file. We also recommend you first run a SmartList for the data you wish to remove and export it to Excel. This way you have an easy to read format of the data should you need to refer back.

  1. Make a backup before following the steps below.
  2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Auditor Setup.
  3. Click Auditor Table Archive/Purge.
  4. In the Table to archive/purge field, select Audit Log.
  5. Click EDIT to open the Query Builder window.
  6. Create the Query that will remove the records.
    1. Double-click the Field from the left side of the window to insert it into the bottom portion.
    2. Select the Operator you want to use, such as = or <.
    3. Select the appropriate value from the Show Values column.
  7. After the query is created, click VALIDATE to make sure the query is valid.
  8. Click OK.
  9. If everything looks correct, click ARCHIVE. This will save the data to an xml file.
  10. Click PURGE to remove the data from the system.