How to Setup and Use Document Attributes on a Price Calculation with RPM and Acumatica


The steps here explain how to setup and use Document Attributes as part of a Price Calculation in Rockton Pricing Management (RPM) and Acumatica.



In this example, we use the State from the Shipping Address of the Customer on a Sales Order to include a shipping cost, which automatically calculates into the transactions unit price. Additionally, when the Customer is in NJ, the shipping cost of $11.25 is added and if the Customer is in PA, a shipping cost of $9.88 is added.

Create Document Attribute in RPM

  1. In RPM, click Document Attributes from Acumatica Data menu.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter Shipping_Address.State as the Name.
  4. Select String as the Data Type.
  5. Enter a Description if desired.
  6. Click Save.


Create Document Attribute in Acumatica

For detailed steps, see KB Article How to Create a Document Attribute in Acumatica for RPM.

  1. In Acumatica, open RPM Document Attributes from the ERP Data menu.
  2. Click +.
  3. Select Order as the Screen ID.
  4. Enter SOShippingAddress as the Data Class.
  5. Enter State as the Data Field.
  6. Enter Shipping_Address.State as the Document Attribute Name.
  7. Click Save.


Shipping State of NJ Pricing Filter

  1. In RPM, open Pricing Filters from the Pricing menu.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter a Name, such as Shipping_Address.State=NJ.
  4. Enter a Description if desired.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Add New to the Pricing Filter Values grid within the newly created Price Filter.
  7. Select Document as the Entity.
  8. From the Document Attribute lookup, select Shipping_Address.State.
  9. Select Equals as the Operand.
  10. Enter NJ as the Value.
  11. Click Save.


Shipping State of PA Pricing Filter

  1. In RPM, open Pricing Filters from the Pricing menu.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter a Name, such as Shipping_Address.State=PA
  4. Enter a Description if desired.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Add New to the Pricing Filter Values grid within the newly created Price Filter.
  7. Select Document as the Entity.
  8. From the Document Attribute lookup, select Shipping_Address.State.
  9. Select Equals as the Operand.
  10. Enter PA as the Value.
  11. Click Save.


Price Calculation for shipping cost NJ

  1. In RPM, open Price Calculations from the Pricing menu.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter a Price Calculation Name, such as NJ Shipping Charge.
  4. Enter Price Mode Option. This example, we are using Fixed Adjustment.
  5. Enter Amount which is $11.25 for NJ.
  6. Mark Modify Unit Price.
  7. Mark From the Base Starting Price.
  8. From the Pricing Filter lookup, select Shipping_Address.State=NJ.
  9. If desired, mark Track Adjustments, as well as selecting a Debit GL Account and Credit GL Account.
  10. Click Save & Close.


Price Calculation for shipping cost PA

  1. Click Add New.
  2. Enter a Price Calculation Name, such as PA Shipping Charge.
  3. Enter Price Mode Option. This example, we are using Fixed Adjustment.
  4. Enter Amount which is $9.88 for PA.
  5. Mark Modify Unit Price.
  6. Mark From the Base Starting Price.
  7. From the Pricing Filter lookup, select Shipping_Address.State=PA.
  8. If desired, mark Track Adjustments, as well as selecting a Debit GL Account and Credit GL Account.
  9. Click Save & Close.


Assign Price Calculation(s) to Price Schedule

  1. In RPM, open Price Schedules from the Pricing menu.
  2. Select the Price Schedule (or create a new one) and click Edit.
  3. From the Price Calculations grid, click Add New.
  4. Choose NJ Shipping Charge and click Select.
  5. Click Add New again from the Price Schedule.
  6. Choose PA Shipping Charge and click Select.
  7. Click Save & Close.

In Acumatica, enter a Sales Order. When a Sales Order with a NJ state address code is used, the NJ shipping charge will automatically calculate.

When a Sales Order with a PA state address code is used, the PA shipping charge will automatically calculate.