How to Email a Batch of Sales Invoices to Customers using DRM



The steps here describe how to set up Dynamics Report Manager (DRM) to email a batch of Sales Invoices using a Launch Point.




Here are the steps on how to set up the Batch Report and Launch Point in DRM.


Customer Setup:


In this example, we are using a Crystal Report for the Sales Invoice report and the email is entered on the E-mail field of the Internet Information window for the Customer’s Bill to Address ID (Cards | Sales | Addresses).


Create the Report in DRM:


  1. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  2. In the Dynamics Report Manager Explorer window, click the Reports tab, and then click the Add Report button.
  3. In the Add Report window, mark Enter Manually, select the Report Type of Crystal Report, and then click OK.
  4. In the Report Maintenance window:
    1. Click the Technical Name Folder button to browse to the location of your report and select it.
    2. Enter a Display Name for the report.
    3. Click the Parameters tab.
      1. Click the Add Parameter button.
      2. Click Import and then click Import again to add the parameters currently on the Crystal Report.
      3. Or, you can click Manual to manually add a parameter to the report.
    4. Click the Destination tab.
      1. Select File for Destination.
      2. To modify the name of the file, click the Output File Path and Name Builder button.
      3. In the Output Filename Builder window, place your cursor in front or after Report. Note: You can delete Report in the Filename or keep it.
      4. In the Insert Tokens section, select which Tokens you would like to add to the name of the file. After you add a Token, move your cursor in front or behind the Token to add another one.
      5. Click OK.
    5. Click the Access tab and verify the appropriate access is selected.
    6. Click the Connection tab and verify the appropriate settings are selected.
  5. Click Save.

Create the Batch Report in DRM to Email the Invoices:


  1. In the Dynamics Report Manager Explorer window, click the Reports tab, and then click the Add Report button.
  2. In the Add Report window, mark Use Wizard, and then click OK.
  3. In the Batch Report Wizard Welcome window:
    1. Click Next.
    2. Mark the checkbox in front of the Display Name you entered in step 4b from the Create the Report in DRM section above, and then click Next.
    3. Click Next.
    4. In the Search field, enter the name of the report’s main table, and then click the Binoculars button. In this example, it is the Sales Transaction Work table.
    5. Mark the Sales Transaction Work for Microsoft Dynamics GP table, and then click Next.
    6. Link the parameter(s) to a field in the main table. For example, @SOPType to SOP Type and @InvoiceNumber to SOP Number.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Specify the Batch Number Filter field from the Sales Transaction Entry window, and then click Next.
    9. Click the Link Tables button.
    10. In the DRM Linked Tables window, click the Add Link button.
    11. In the DRM Tables window, select Company for Series, enter Internet for Find and click the Binoculars button, select Internet Addresses, and then click Select.
    12. In the DRM Linked Tables window, select Customer Number in the Sales Transaction Work column, select Master ID in the Internet Addresses column, and then click Link.
    13. In the DRM Linked Tables window, select Primary Billto Address Code in the Sales Transaction Work column, select Address Code in the Internet Addresses column, and then click Link.
    14. In the DRM Linked Tables window, click OK.
    15. In the Batch Report Wizard window, select the Internet Addresses table.
    16. Select INet1 and click the Assign table field to To address button, and then click Next.
    17. Enter a Subject and Message, and then click Next.
    18. Enter a display name in the Batch Report Description field, and then click Next.
    19. Click Next.
    20. Click Finish.
    21. In the Batch Report Maintenance window, click the Data tab. Here is an example of what you will see.SELECT

                      ISNULL(b.INET1, ”)   [INet1],

                      ISNULL(a.SOPNUMBE, ”)   [SOP_Number],

                      ISNULL(a.SOPTYPE, ”)   [SOP_Type]


      FROM TWO..SOP10100 a

      LEFT OUTER JOIN TWO..SY01200 b

                                      ON (a.CUSTNMBR = b.Master_ID) and (a.PRBTADCD = b.ADRSCODE)




      *Note: TWO should be replaced with your specific Company ID.

    22. Click Save.

Create the Launch Point in DRM to Email the Invoices from the Sales Batch Entry window:


  1. In the Dynamics Report Manager Explorer window, click the Launch Points tab, and then click the Add Launch Point button.
  2. In the Add Launch Point window, mark Enter Manually, select Window Field or Button for Launch Point Type, and then click OK.
  3. In the Launch Point Maintenance window:
    1. Enter a Name for the Launch Point.
    2. Click the Settings tab and select the following:
      1. Trigger Type: Window Print Menu
      2. Attach Type: Before and After original script
      3. Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP
      4. Series: Sales
      5. Form: Sales Batch Entry
      6. Window: Sales Batch Entry
    3. Click the Reports tab.
    4. Click the + button to add the Batch Report you created in Step 3r from the Create the Batch Report in DRM to Email the Invoices section above .
    5. Click the Access tab and verify the appropriate access is selected.
    6. Click the Actions tab.
    7. Click the Add Custom Actions button.
      1. In the Custom Actions column, select Set Parameter to Field.
      2. In the Action Settings section, select the following:
      3. Report: Select the report in the list.
      4. Parameter: Batch Number
      5. Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP
      6. Series: Sales
      7. Form: Sales Batch Entry
      8. Window: Sales Batch Entry
      9. Field: Batch Number.
      10. Click OK.
    8. Click the Add Custom Actions button.
      1. In the Custom Actions column, select Insert Before/After Breakpoint.
      2. Click OK.
    9. Click the Add Custom Actions button.
      1. In the Custom Actions column, select Run Field Script.
      2. In the Action Settings section, select the following:
      3. Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP
      4. Series: Sales
      5. Form: Sales Document Print Options
      6. Window: Sales Document Print Options
      7. Field: Cancel Button.
      8. Click OK.
    10. Click the Add Custom Actions button.
      1. In the Custom Actions column, select Launch Specific Report.
      2. In the Action Settings section, select the following:
      3. Report: Select the report in the list.
      4. Click OK.
    11. Click Save.