How to Create a Document Attribute in Dynamics GP


The steps here explain how to create a Document Attribute in Dynamics GP that can then be used as part of a Price Calculation in Rockton Pricing Management (RPM) and Dynamics GP.


Document Attributes in RPM are a powerful feature that can provide flexibility in pricing with Dynamics GP. You can setup a Document Attribute using most fields within a Sales Quote, Order, or Invoice in Dynamics GP. The Price Calculation then calculates dynamically based on the information in that field.

To create a Document Attribute, first create the Document Attribute in GP and then create the Document Attribute in RPM to link them together. There are two ways to do this.

Option 1

Select from a list of fields.

  1. In RPM, expand the ERP Data menu.
  2. Select Document Attributes. 
  3. Click Add New.
  4. Enter SalespersonID as the Name.
  5. Select String as the Data Type.
  6. Enter Description, if desired.
  7. Click Save.

  1. In Dynamics GP, select Document Attributes Setup from the Rockton Pricing Management shortcut menu.
  2. Click +, and then click Select from a list of fields from Document Attributes Setup.
  3. Type Salesperson in the Search field and then Tab off of the field..
  4. Select the Salesperson ID field for the Sales Transaction Entry window.

  1. Click Select.
  2. Enter SalespersonID to match what was entered in RPM, and then click OK.
  3. A Document Attribute link appears in the Document Attributes Setup grid.


Option 2

  1. In RPM, expand the ERP Data menu.
  2. Select Document Attributes from ERP Data menu.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. Enter DefaultSiteID as the Name.
  5. Select String as the Data Type.
  6. Enter Description, if desired.
  7. Click Save.

  1. In Dynamics GP, select Document Attributes Setup from the Rockton Pricing Management menu.
  2. Click +, and then select Choose from Sales Transaction Entry window from Document Attributes Setup.  Note: If you know the field you want, you can choose “Select from a List of fields” here instead.
  3. Review the message about moving cursor to the field you wish to assign as Document Attribute and then click OK.
  4. In the Sales Transaction Entry window, place your cursor into whatever defaulted into the Default Side ID field.
  5. Notice the field and window name automatically populates at the bottom of the Document Attributes Setup page.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Enter DefaultSiteID, as this is the name of the Document Attribute created in RPM.
  3. Click OK.
  4. A Document Attribute link appears in the Document Attributes Setup grid

  1. Click OK.
  2. When prompted, click Delete to delete that sample Sales Transaction.


More Information

To learn how a Document Attribute can be used to with Price Filters and Price Calculations to produce price adjustments on a transaction line, see KB article How to setup and use Document Attributes in a Price Calculation with RPM and Dynamics GP.