Registration Key is Invalid Error When Upgrading From 2018 to 2018.2 and Build Number Does Not Update


You receive the error message:  “Key is Invalid” on the Registration window for Rockton products including SmartFill, Dynamics Report Manager, Dynamics GP Toolbox, Auditor, or Omni Price.  This error occurs after an upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 (any build) to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018.2.  The user count, site name and version information is valid, and you have just received the correct registration keys from Rockton Sales. 


The existing dictionary for our product is not being overwritten in the Microsoft Dynamics GP code folder.  For example, if you are upgrading Auditor, the Audit.dic file in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Code folder does not get overwritten, so the Auditor build stays at the build you had installed for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, and does not successfully update to the build you installed for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018.2. 


  1. In your Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018.2 code folder, which is typically found here:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2018, find the dictionary file for the product you are upgrading and delete it.  If you are upgrading Auditor, find the file called AUDIT.DIC and delete it.
  2. Follow the steps in Knowledgebase:  *Installing/Upgrading a Rockton Software product: First install or installing the latest build/newest version.